What is Hypnotherapy?

Hypnosis is a tool used to help individuals reach a state of total relaxation. Research on hypnotherapy has shown some promise for treating obesity and helping with weight loss.  During a session, the conscious and unconscious mind are able to focus and concentrate on verbal repetition and mental imagery. The mind, as a result, becomes open to suggestion and open to change with regard to behaviours, emotions, and habits. The person is not under the control of the hypnotist but instead gains access to own their innate abilities.

Forms of this alternative therapy have been used since the 1700 to help people with anything from bed-wetting to nail-biting to smoking. Research on hypnosis has also shown some promise for treating obesity.

Does Hypnotherapy work for weight loss?

Hypnotherapy for Weight loss.satory

Hypnotherapy for Weight loss

Hypnotherapy may be more effective than diet and exercise alone for people looking to lose weight. The idea is that the mind can be influenced to change habits like overeating. 

Many research protocols have examined the use of hypnotherapy for weight loss and have concluded that hypnotherapy enhances weight loss in combination with diet and exercise. Thus, hypnosis may be a safe and effective adjuvant treatment for assisting weight loss.

What to expect from Hypnotherapy?

During hypnotherapy, your therapist, at Satory, will begin your session by explaining how hypnosis works. They’ll then go over your personal goals. From there, your therapist may begin speaking in a soothing, gentle voice to help you relax and to establish a feeling of safety.

Once you’ve reached a more receptive state of mind, your therapist may suggest ways to help you change your eating or exercise habits or other ways to reach your weight loss goals.

Certain words or repetition of certain phrases may help with this stage. Your therapist may also help you visualize yourself reaching goals through sharing vivid mental imagery.

To close the session, your therapist will help bring you out of hypnosis and back to your starting state.


  • Stradling, J., Roberts, D., Wilson, A. et al. Controlled trial of hypnotherapy for weight loss in patients with obstructive sleep apnoea. Int J Obes 22, 278–281 (1998).
  • N.A. Roslim, A. Ahmad, M. Mansor, Myat Moe Thwe Aung, F. Hamzah, H.Hassan, Pei Lin Lua. Hypnotherapy for overweight and obese patients: A narrative review,
    Journal of Integrative Medicine, Vol.19, Issue 1, 2021.
  • Mathieu Landry, Michael Lifshitz, Amir Raz, Brain correlates of hypnosis: A systematic review and meta-analytic exploration. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, Vol.81, Part A, 2017.