Acupuncture allows one to cross the line from infertile to fertile by helping the body function more efficiently, which in turn allows other, more modern reproductive treatments, like IVF, to also work more efficiently. Acupuncture works to restore the flow of Qi– your essence, your body energy — so with regards to infertility, treatment has a calming, restorative effect that increases a sense of well- being and ultimately helps the body to accept the creation of life.

Because of the delicate balance between the hypothalamus, pituitary, and reproductive glands, stress is capable of preventing a woman from ovulating entirely. This can contribute to the cause of female infertility. Stress can also create spasms in both the fallopian tubes and the uterus, which can interfere with movement and implantation of a fertilized egg. In men, stress can alter sperm counts, motility, and cause impotence.

Acupuncture infertility treatment:

  • relieves stress and anxiety
  • increases the blood flow to reproductive organs
  • balances the hormones

Acupuncture stimulates nerve endings deep below the surface of the skin, thus the nerves are activated, helping the body release substances called endorphins. This can have positive effects on fertility and also stress relief.


Xu J, Zuo Y. [Efficacy of acupuncture as adjunctive treatment on infertility patients with polycystic ovary syndrome]. Zhongguo Zhen Jiu. 2018 Apr 12;38(4):358-61. 

Zhu J, Arsovska B, Kozovska K. Acupuncture Treatment for Fertility. Open Access Maced J Med Sci. 2018;6(9):1685-1687. 

Cochrane S, Smith CA, Possamai-Inesedy A, Bensoussan A. Acupuncture and women’s health: an overview of the role of acupuncture and its clinical management in women’s reproductive health. Int J Womens Health. 2018