Clinical hypnotherapy can be thought of as a “connector” linking your subconscious mind to your conscious mind and thus glean the therapeutic benefits.

What are the Benefits of Clinical Hypnotherapy?

  • Reduction of chronic and acute pain

Many studies have portrayed that clinical hypnotherapy consistently produced significant decreases in a variety of chronic-pain issues (1). Chronic pain is defined as pain that persists for at least 6 months or longer and may cause considerable suffering and distress. Clinical hypnotherapy that involved practitioner-lead instruction (during a session) as well as self-hypnosis education for the patient (outside of a session) helped in reducing pain associated with arthritis, fibromyalgia, physical disability, lower back pain and even cancer.

Reduction of anxiety and symptoms of depression

Clinical hypnotherapy assists individuals struggling with anxiety and depression by improving physical and emotional control, reducing self-consciousness and channeling focused attention (2).

Benefits of Hypnotherapy.satory

Benefits of Hypnotherapy.satory

  • Management of phobias or fears

One of the most popular uses for Clinical Hypnotherapy is in the management of phobias and fears. A phobia is defined as “a marked and persistent fear of the presence or anticipation of an encounter with a specific situation”, for example flying, spiders, large crowds…etc. For sufferers, this may elicit a sense of panic and/or anxiety accompanied by physical symptoms such as sweating, heavy breathing and an increased heart rate.

A 2008 study in California, USA, found all participants receiving hypnotherapy for a set of specific phobias including the fear of snakes, driving and heights experienced an average 56.46% decrease in symptoms in comparison to their baseline score. Many  published  articles from the American Psychological Association found that “both common and uncommon phobias have been treated successfully with hypnotherapy” usually involving image-based therapy and suggestive de-sensitisation techniques.

Self-esteem and relationship issue benefits

 Hypnotherapy has been described as a “psychological or mental healing process (that may be used) to achieve desired goals like changing current feelings or behaviours”. These feelings or behaviours can often involve the negative attitudes, beliefs and values we have of ourselves and our relationships; which can be detrimental to our growth and/or success. Using suggestive techniques, you will begin to positively change the way you:

  • talk to yourself,
  • value who you are,
  • process situations,
  • interact with others, and
  • see life events from a different angle.


  1. Elkins G, Jensen MP, Patterson DR. Hypnotherapy for the management of chronic pain. Int J Clin Exp Hypn. 2007 Jul;55(3):275-87. doi: 10.1080/00207140701338621.
  2. Alladin A. Cognitive hypnotherapy for psychological management of depression in palliative care. Ann Palliat Med. 2018 Jan;7(1):112-124.