Research has shown that 80% of people suffer from acute lower back pain at some point in their lives and of these 1-2% become chronic sufferers. Acupuncture for sciatica and chronic back pain is very effective and has been validated with many studies published in major Medical Journals such as Pain.Furthermore, numerous studies provide evidence that acupuncture is a safe and effective procedure with no side effects.
The main causes of lumbar pain are:
1. Intervertebral disc herniation (disc disease) in 70%
2. Degenerative spondyloarthritis
3. Traumatic causes
4. Psychosomatic disorders
5. Organic causes such as: inflammatory microbial infections, neoplasms. congenital anomalies, diseases of neighboring organs, osteoporosis, etc.
Pain in the lower back usually occurs suddenly after a sudden movement or lifting of some weight. The pain may be localized or may also radiate to the legs, moreover, it may start from the calf or the thigh or the hips and extend to the waist. Moreover, in a number of cases there seems to be no cause for the lower back pain.
As a result, movements are limited and the sufferer has difficulty bending forward and sideways. In all cases the patient will feel a decrease in strength and an inability to perform specific movements without pain. Consequently, the pain worsens with coughing or sneezing.
Management of Chronic Back Pain

Acupuncture for Chronic Back Pain
An orthopedic surgeon needs to asses the patient in order to identify the etiology, prior to acupuncture therapy. Once the cause has been ascertained, the treatment is individualized, depending on age, occupation and daily activities.
- Acupuncture can effectively contribute to the faster recovery of patients, as long as the primary disorder is not characterized by serious anatomical changes.
- Depending on the pathogenesis of the disease coupled with the patient’s symptoms, the acupuncture points are selected. Local and remote points are used.
- Usually needles are placed in the painful area and in addition may be connected to an electrotherapy device.
First, acupuncture increases the analgesic effect by the secretion of endogenous opioid analgesic peptides and secondly mobilization of the contracting paraspinal muscles is achieved.
This mobilization resolves:
- muscle spasm,
- increases local blood flow,
- removes lactic acid that has accumulated from prolonged muscle contraction, and further
- suppresses the inflammation involved in the creation of pain.
Additional instructions:
Weight Loss – Diet
Avoid lifting weights
Thermal baths – Fitness in the pool
Avoiding unnecessary burdens and unnecessary fatigue
- Sit RW, Wong W, Law SW, Wu JC. Integrative Western and Traditional Chinese Medicine service model for low back pain. Int J Clin Pharmacol Ther. 2016 Jul;54(7):539-43.
- O’Gara T, Kemper KJ, Birkedal J, Curl W, Miller N, Abadie B. Survey of Conventional and Complementary and Alternative Therapy in Patients With Low Back Pain. J Surg Orthop Adv. 2016 Spring;25(1):27-33.
- Lin R, Zhu N, Liu J, Li X, Wang Y, Zhang J, Xi C. Acupuncture-movement therapy for acute lumbar sprain: a randomized controlled clinical trial. J Tradit Chin Med. 2016 Feb;36(1):19-25
- Ushinohama A, Cunha BP, Costa LO, Barela AM, Freitas PB.Effect of a single session of ear acupuncture on pain intensity and postural control in individuals with chronic low back pain: a randomized controlled trial.
Braz J Phys Ther. 2016 Jun 16 ;0:0.