Acupuncture is often described as extremely relaxing, regardless of what a person seeks treatment for. Furthermore, most patients report an improvement in Energy and Well-Being as well as sleep.
Acupuncture aids in calming the nervous system. Consequently, it helps switch off the ‘Fight-Flight’ stress response. Stress is a useful tool for success, but if the stress reaction is prolonged and not switched off, problems may arise.
Stress-related ailments are estimated to account for 75-90% of all doctor’s visits.
The stress response causes:
- increased heart rate,
- rapid breathing,
- tightening of muscles,
- increase of blood pressure.
Acupuncture enhance Well-Being:
It is thus, not surprising that by calming the body and promoting parasympathetic activity, Acupuncture improves circulation and reduces general muscle tension.
Furthermore, this enhances all body functions not concerned with immediate survival – immunity, digestion, fertility, rest, recovery, repair. Generally speaking, the results note an overall feeling of relaxation and well-being.