Acupuncture has been established internationally as a complete therapeutic system. The World Health Organization (WHO) and the Greek state have recognized acupuncture as a medical treatment method.

The two-year postgraduate medical acupuncture training is certified by ICMART (International Council for Medical Acupuncture and Related Techniques) which is the world association of Medical Acupuncture, based in Brussels.

In 1996, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) classified acupuncture needles as medical tools for general use by acupuncturists.

By decision of the Ministry of Health – Welfare and Social Insurance, the Greek state accepts Acupuncture as a method of treatment provided that it is applied exclusively by doctors who have received special training and have experience in the application of medical acupuncture (574 / A4 / 1191 / 21-2-1980) (Υ7 / οικ. / 4270 / 25-6-96).


Bannerman RH, The World Health Organization Viewpoint on Acupuncture, Am. J. Acupuncture, 8, 1990, 231-235
FDA-US, Food & Drug Administration,