
Medical acupuncture

Medical acupuncture is the evolution of an ancient healing method that began in China. It is based on the insertion of very thin, sterile disposable needles in specific parts of the body, in order to treat various diseases.

Medical acupuncture effectively treats more than 100 diseases from the entire range of medical specialties. The World Health Organization (W.H.O Chronicle 34,249,1980), after extensive clinical and laboratory research confirmed the results of acupuncture, which were announced at national, international and world medical conferences.

Medical acupuncture has no side effects and is completely harmless when applied by properly trained doctors.

There are many different techniques that we choose in adults or children depending on the occasion: electroacupuncture, ear acupuncture, cranial acupuncture, and the latest development is laser acupuncture which is very friendly and painless, mainly applied to children and adults with phobia of needles etc. 

Is Acupuncture Painful?

Acupuncture does not hurt and in most cases the needles are not even noticed.

The needles we use are sterile, surgical steel, disposable, flexible and very thin. They have nothing to do with blood collection needles.


  • Acupuncture is painless and can be applied to people of all ages.
  • It cures acute or chronic pain and has a long duration of action.
  • It has anti-inflammatory action and balances the immune and endocrine systems.
  • It is indicated in cases where medication is either ineffective or causes side effects.
  • It acts synergistically with the medication and enhances its action, without side effects or interactions.
  • Medications or dietary supplements may be taken concomitantly during treatment.
  • It is a safe treatment when applied by a specialized doctor 
  • It stimulates and rejuvenates the body in general and therefore helps in the recovery from various diseases.
  • It has affordable treatment costs.
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