Studies consistently show that ancient Chinese medicine and acupuncture can help alleviate many health problems modern women face today. Acupuncture and Oriental medicine can address symptoms associated with menstruation, whether they are emotional or physical, or a combination of both. Young women suffering from dysmenorrhea (menstrual pain) and premenstrual syndrome can be relieved with acupuncture therapy. Symptoms such as abdominal pain, cramps, acne, amenorrhea, breast pain, depression and excessive irregular periods can be successfully addressed with acupuncture treatments.
Acupuncture contributes to women’s better quality of life of , as it normalizes the menstrual cycle and also helps to reduce the number and intensity of symptoms caused by the premenstrual syndrome.
Several studies have found that women trying to conceive, who get acupuncture treatments, whether to treat infertility conditions or to increase the chances of a successful IVF have a higher rate of pregnancy and births. An overview of the use of acupuncture in gynecology states that acupuncture regulates blood flow to the uterus and ovaries, and also regulates the release of neurotransmitters, which in turn can stimulate the secretion of the gonadotropin releasing hormone, thereby affecting the menstrual cycle, ovulation and fertility.
Acupuncture can relieve the lower back and pelvic discomfort associated with pregnancy, as well as the morning sickness. After delivery, many women find acupuncture treatments essential for rebuilding their Qi and blood, increasing milk supply, and dealing with postpartum depression. After a birth, acupuncture will help restore and replenish the new mother’s energy.
For menopausal women, hot flashes, night sweats and sleep disturbances can be greatly reduced so that the woman can glide smoothly into this transition in life. Acupuncture therapy achieves the cessation of excessive sweating, the restoration of calm and relaxation and enhances the quality of sleep.
Napadow V, Ahn A, Longhurst J, Lao L, Stener-Victorin E, Harris R, Langevin HMJ The status and future of acupuncture mechanism research. Altern Complement Med. 2008 Sep; 14(7):861-9.
Ma YX, Ye XN, Liu CZ, Cai PY, Li ZF, Du DQ, Guo G, Chen SZ, Zhao JP, Liu JJ, Yi HQ, Gao SZJ Ethnopharmacol. 2013 Jul 9; 148(2):498-504).
Suzanne Cochrane , Caroline A Smith, Alphia Possamai-Inesedy and Alan Bensoussan Int J Womens Health. 2014; 6: 313–325. Published online 2014 Mar 17.