Acupuncture / ototherapy is an effective treatment for chronic stress and anxiety. Ototherapy helps the body to function by removing unnecessary stress and excessive anxiety that cause chronic fatigue, both physical and psychological.
Ototherapy is a therapeutic technique applied to the ear which can also be used to treat stress before examinations. There are special points in the ear that affect the psyche, stress, mood and concentration.
Ear acupuncture affects both the central and autonomic nervous systems, achieving significant benefits in the case of stress and anxiety. It balances the sympathetic – parasympathetic nervous system and prevents and treats all the symptoms of anxiety.
There are many scientific studies that prove the effectiveness of auricular acupuncture and ototherapy to regulate stress. Acupuncture and ototherapy are internationally recognized methods with great validity and reliability. They deal with anxiety disorders with great efficiency and are: natural, individualized, painless, well tolerated, without any side effects when performed by a doctor specialized in the method
- Wang, Shu-Ming,, Kain, Zeev N. Auricular Acupuncture: A Potential Treatment for Anxiety, Anesthesia & Analgesia: February 2001 – Vol. 92 – Issue 2 – p 548-553.
- Catharina Klausenitz,et al. Auricular Acupuncture for Exam Anxiety in Medical Students—A Randomized Crossover Investigation. PLoS One. 2016; 11(12): e0168338.
- de Lorent L1, Agorastos A2, Yassouridis A3, Kellner M2, Muhtz C4. Auricular Acupuncture Versus Progressive Muscle Relaxation in Patients with Anxiety Disorders or Major Depressive Disorder: A Prospective Parallel Group Clinical Trial. J Acupunct Meridian Stud. 2016 Aug;9(4):191-9.
- Stefan H, Kreiselmeyer G, Kerling F, et al. Transcutaneous vagus nerve stimulation (t-VNS) in pharmacoresistant epilepsies: a proof of concept trial. 2012;53(7):115–118.